Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Childhood: Cheerios in the Pantry

My Mother was not that big on sugary cereal. I remember many boxes of Cheerios in my mother's pantry. It was always in the pantry (although that may have been because it was on sale quite frequently).

When Cheerios came out with their honey nut, that was definitely a nice flavor. I was pretty happy when they came out with their whole grain also. Here is my breakfast this morning.
Cheerios is dependable in so many ways
1, Cheerios never get soggy
2. You can eat them as a snack
3. They are not to sugary
4. They have a nice savory flavor
Multi Grain Cheerios was a nice addition to the Cheerios flavors offered. When you want a simple cereal to serve with berries - this cereal makes the grade.
Honey Nut Cheerios is still an old favorite! I love the honey and the nut flavor.

All the cereals I mention have the same taste I grew up with, but also have enough of flavor they are advertising to keep me happy.

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