Friday, December 30, 2011

Stoved Chicken from Great British Cooking

You remember this book, right? I enjoyed the last recipe I made, Miss McFarlane's Honey-Glazed Chicken. it was terrific and so easy.
I decided to give the book another try. I decided to cook Stoved Chicken, found on page 96 of this cookbook. For this recipe I used my dutch oven.
Here it is, finished in the pot, straight out of the oven.
Here is the recipe...

Now this recipe does call for 6 chicken pieces to equal 3 lbs. When I went shopping that wasn't that easy to find. So I purchased some dark meat, and some white meat, all on the bone.
I also added extra chicken stock 1 and a half hours before it was finished as well as 2 hours before. I also added extra tabs of butter.

Here is my scrumptious plate...
Now this is a stew, cooked in a casserole in the oven. The potatoes and onions were cooked perfectly.

Here is a quote I liked from Danielle Steele

"...what she had learned from all of them. To be honest, and descent, and work hard, to live well, and love with all your heart, no matter what the price, and never be afraid to follow your dreams, wherever they took you."
Danielle Steele

Are you ready for the new year?

1 comment:

  1. The chicken looks moist and tender. It's fun recreating recipes isn't it. Enjoy your new year!
