Monday, May 13, 2013

Homemade Fluffy Butter Frosting on the Happy Cake for Mother's Day

Here is the second cake I made, this time for Mother's Day.
I used Duncan Hines Confetti Cake Mix to make the cake, and this time I decided to make the frosting myself.
Here are the cakes out of the oven.
Here is the frosting finished, which I added yellow food  coloring to in honor of Spring time. My boyfriend decided to call a Happy Cake.

The frosting recipe comes from The Fannie Farmer Cookbook and it is described as being light and airy.

Fluffy Butter Frosting
Enough frosting for an 8 or 9 inch cake.
4 tablespoons butter (I use unsalted)
1 1/2 cups confectioners sugar, divided
2 egg whites
Cream the butter, and add 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar.
Beat the egg whites in a mixer until foamy and thick. Add the 1 cup confectioners' sugar. Beat until stiff.
Blend together the two mixtures. If the frosting is too liquidity add more confectioners' sugar to make it easier to spread on the cake. The frosting hardens as it sits.

If you add your sugar to the egg whites too early, this is as stiff as your egg whites will get. This is not what you want.
When you are all done you get this?
And if you are lucky enough, your guests will eat practically all your cake.
Hope everyone had a great Mother's day!
So this is what I made for Mother's Day as part of our family celebration.
What did you make for Mother's Day?

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