Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baked Eggs on the Fly

I didn't have the stuff for a recipe of baked eggs, so I put one together from items I had in the kitchen.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Barefoot in the Park at the Ivoryton Playhouse

Kathleen Mulready as Corie and Sean Patrick Hopkins as Paul in the Ivoryton Playhouse production of Barefoot in the Park. Photo courtesy of Anne Hudson of the Ivoryton Playhouse.
If you love the work of Neil Simon, then you should make a trip to the Ivoryton Playhouse to see Barefoot in the Park. This play is directed by Bruce Connolly who was  in last season's Barnum and Finnian's Rainbow.

The story is based on Neil Simon's first marriage.
Kathleen Mulready plays Corie who was recently seen in The Irish And How They Got That Way. Corie is all about fun and risk and being the housewife, but wouldn't you be too, if this was your first marriage and Kathleen does a wonderful job at getting the message across.
Sean Patrick Hopkins is Paul, the conservative lawyer, and first time husband.  He definitely fills the shoes of Robert Redford in this play. 
This show can definitely take people back especially since this is a household with only one telephone and no computer.   Those were the days. .. To climb up all those steps the best way to communicate would be with cell phones. 
Get out to the theater and see Barefoot in the Park. Go see those frozen skinny lovers who live on 49 West 10th Street The show is excellent.
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Without tomatoes....
With tomatoes....
Both are yummy!!!
I don't remember where I found this recipe. I loved the almonds in the chicken salad.

Tea sandwiches don't usually have tomatoes on them, but on the sandwich without tomatoes I put butter on the bread and it definitely made up for not having the tomatoes.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Chicken That I Made

I have been very busy lately, and all I can say is that I have missed writing on my blog as well as writing articles and cooking. I think I need a 24 day changed to a 48 hour day to get done all that I really want to do.
Recently I found myself a recipe to make and this is the result.
This bird was scrumptious and easy to make. The recipe which you will see below did not call for parsley on top of the chicken or a little extra butter, but I did add a little butter on top while it was in the oven.
This recipe came from the Frugal Gourmet Cookbook by Jeff Smith. It was very easy and very tasty. And then this chicken turned into a....

But that is for the next blog.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011